Thank You, ABBA

A Written Prayer Reflection on Sensing Your Hidden Presence, Toward Intimacy with God, Chapter VI, Jesus at Prayer, No. 2 The Father’s Face Appears by Ignacio Larrañaga

Dear ABBA,

Thank you for being my Father.

Thank you for conceiving me in eternity out of love.

Thank you for creating me in this period of time, through love.

Thank you for loving me.

Thank you for holding me in your hands.

Thank you for the gift of my earth Mother, Mary Ellen.

Thank you for being closer to me than my own shadow.

Thank you for freely and unconditionally loving me.

Thank you for knowing me and knowing what I will ask.

Thank you for coming to meet me when I return to you.

Thank you for being always with me and showing me different paths.

Thank you for sending Jesus, your son, into this world to show us the way, the narrow path, the way to be able to return to your homeland.

Let me follow his ways, the path he has shown us so I can return to you, my homeland.

Thank you for Jesus, the son of Mary and for the gift of his Mother to me as my Mother.

Let me love her as my Mother.

Thank you for the one who lived an intense experience of you, the Father.

Let me live my intense moments and follow your example.

Thank you for the one who was infused by the loving presence of you, the Father.

Let me feel your presence, let me sense your hidden presence in my life.

Thank you for the one who felt freedom and happiness.

Let me feel such freedom and happiness

Thank you for the one who shared good news and revealed you, the Father.

Let me share your good news and reveal your face to others.

Thank you for the one who is always face to face with you God.

Let me stay face to face with you God.

Thank you for the one whose inner lake was calm, at peace (except for a few instances like in the garden).

Let me experience such inner calm and peace.

Thank you for the one who shares his greatest secret, the Father, with us.

Let you be my greatest secret.

ABBA, my Daddy, my Father, in the Name of your son, Jesus, my brother, grant me these requests so that I may be more like your son, my brother, Jesus. So that I may feel your love, be free, and become purified so that I may enter through that narrow gate and be surrounded by your love.

Your thankful daughter,


May 9, 2020